Every one of us is always on the hunt for methods that can bring down our taxes! After all,
who likes to pay more taxes, right? But the thing is, you cannot avoid paying taxes entirely.
Still, there are ways to bring down your tax burden and stay in compliance with Australian
taxation Office (ATO) guidelines. One such way is to claim deductions.
But there is a general misconception that you always need receipts to claim deductions. Well,
that’s not true. There are certain deductions that you can claim without receipts. In this blog,
we are going to explore such tax deductions. So without wasting much time, let’s dive in
straight away.
There is a range of deductions that do not require receipts. This includes:
Work-Related Uniforms and Protective Gear
You can claim deductions for uniforms that are specific to your job. But it’s important
to note that these should not be suitable for everyday wear. This includes a uniform
with your organization’s logo, protective gear, helmets, and safety glasses. You can
claim deductions on these items even if you don’t have any receipts.
All you need is a bank or credit card statement as a proof of purchase. But make sure
the statement clearly mentions the store from where you purchased the product, date
of purchase and its amount. Most importantly, the cost should be in the range of
expected cost of the item.
Tools and Equipment
If you are a someone who has to buy small tools and equipment for routine work, you
can claim those expenses too. These items include hand tools for trades, specialised
software of graphic designers and more.
You can claim the expenses on such tools and equipment without any receipt. Here,
too, you will need a credit card or bank account statement that mentions you are
buying them for your routine job.
Professional Subscriptions
Time and again, businesses might have to buy certain plans and subscriptions. This is
more common in new-age businesses and IT-businesses. If you are buying these
products for your job or to increase your professional knowledge, that expense is
deductible and that too without any receipt.
But to do so, you will have to document your subscription’s purchase using bank
statements. Make sure the purchase is in the name of the organization and must have
all the payment details.
Work-Related Books
Sometimes, individuals might have to purchase books and professional literature to
sharpen their knowledge and perform better at the job. If you have made similar
purchases, those can be claimed without any receipts.
Here too, you will need a detailed credit card or bank statement as a proof of
purchase. And the statement should have the date, amount and the supplier’s
information to validate your claim.
Vehicle and Travel Expenses
If you are using your personal vehicle for work-related traveling, you will have to
maintain a detailed logbook. Make sure you note down all of your work-related travel
over a 12-week period. Once done, this can be extrapolated to the next year. If you
have a proper logbook entry, ATO will allow the claims for these traveling expenses.
Moreover, if you want to claim fuel expenses, these log books can come in handy.
You can use it to calculate total kilometers and then multiply it with the standard
ATO rates per kilometer. You can save that much on expenses.
Home Office and Small Expenses
Claiming home office expenses has become more common, especially with more
people working from home. If you lack receipts for minor home office supplies or
utility use, you can claim these using a fixed rate per hour of home office use
provided by the ATO.
For small work-related expenses totalling less than $200 annually, a diary entry
noting the nature of the purchase, the date, and the amount is often adequate
The $300 Rule
There’s a simplicity in the ATO’s approach for small claims. If your total claim for workrelated expenses is $300 or less, you do not need receipts. However, you still need to show that you have incurred these expenses and how you calculated your claim. This doesn’t include car or travel expenses but applies to items such as minor tools and equipment.
Professional Memberships and Union Fees
If you are a part of any professional group or a union, their membership fees are directly
deducted from your salary. These deductions are clearly itemized in your income statement.
So, if you want to claim these expenses, you won’t need any receipts or other documents. The
ATO allows deductions in these cases without the need for the same.
Proper Record Keeping Is Essential
Record-keeping is crucial for individuals or businesses who want to make claims. While there
are certain cases where ATO allows deductions without any receipts, you will need other
documentation. So, it’s always better to have a perfect record-keeping mechanism in place.
This might help you in the situation if or when ATO demands evidence for the claims you
have made.
Claiming tax deductions is a challenging task. There is so much record-keeping and
documentation. It could be a headache and at some point, you might even think of ditching
these deductions. But that’s not how it has to be.
Our experts at Nanak Accountants & Associates can help you maintain and manage all your transaction
records. These records will ensure you claim all of your tax deductions and have enough
records to back these claims. Even if the need arises to submit the proof for these claims, you
will have enough evidence to do so.
At Nanak Accountants & Associates, we specialise in record-keeping and tax deductions claims without
receipts. So if you too are want to take maximum benefits from tax deductions, our experts
can do that for you! We’ll guide you through every step of the process. This will cover
organising your financial documents to submitting your tax returns. Result? You can enjoy
maximum tax benefits.
Wrapping Up
Claiming tax deductions without receipts is permissible under specific conditions and within
certain limits. You can substantiate your claims using alternative documentation such as bank
statements, logbooks, and income statements.
And with the help of a professional like Nanak Accountants & Associates, you can maximize your claims
and stay compliant with ATO regulations. For any further information, feel free to reach out.
Our experts are always up and ready to assist you.